Download a script that is needed to properly modify the "sounds_sfx_patch_1_.pck".

(Description on the website: "Files extractor and reimporter, archives and file formats parser, advanced tool for reverse engineers and power users, and much more.")Ģ. Download a tool for modifying the "sounds_sfx_patch_1_.pck", "QuickBMS". And the essence of cheating is to get an advantage.ġ. Even multiplayer mode is more critical, practically you have a disadvantage with the soundmod, because warning sounds are missing. I was more afraid getting banned as i used "ReShade" for image sharpening in Rainbow 6 Siege 4 years ago (and never was banned for that), but not while playing a modded Wildlands in singleplayer. I personally dont expect a ban and take the risk.

Remember that Ghost Recon Wildlands uses the cheat protection "EasyAntiCheat" and modding game files can always cause a ban - theoretically. There are some other sounds in "3845688376.bnk", beside the detection sound, that doesnt work any longer with this mod, but it seemed to be other "supporting the player" sounds, not sounds like weaponeffects, voices or natural sounds like water, wind or objects that fall down. A problem while modding was that the import only worked if a modified "3845688376.bnk" had the same filesize like the original. For me, this caused never a crash or performance issue or other problems. And everytime the game engine tries to play the detection sound for example, it plays nothing, because the original sound file in the gamearchive "sounds_sfx_patch_1_.pck" is replaced, replaced with "nothing" - with the "fake" file. Due to my limited modding and programming skills the only working solution was to import an empty "fake" file (with the same name and file size like the orignal "3845688376.bnk") into the gamearchive "sounds_sfx_patch_1_.pck". One of them is the sound when an enemy spots you. This seems to me (i am a noob modder) to be something like a "soundbank", containing several soundeffects.
That's how it works: In the gamefolder "Ghost Recon Wildlands\sounddata\pc" is a file called "sounds_sfx_patch_1_.pck", an archive of packed soundfiles that contains a file called "3845688376.bnk". Even it is not a perfect solution, it offers a better experience if you are interested in realistic gameplay. Warning! – For some versions, You have to change ID otherwise save will not work! Read the description in the archive.Finally i found a way to remove that annoying sound when an enemy spots you.Versions – Licence, CODEX, CPY, STEAMPUNKS.Description – Game completed for 100% + DLC’s, all weapons unlocked and upgraded, LVL – Tier 1, map opened for 100%, everything unlocked and collected, skill are maxed.CODEX – C:\Users\Public\Documents\uPlay\CODEX\Saves.CPY – C:\Users\User\Documents\CPY_SAVES\CPY\UPLAY\1771.STEAMPUNKS – C:\ProgramData\Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands\UserData.Steam – C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames\Uplay User ID Number\3559.Uplay – C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames\Uplay User ID Number\1771.Make a backup of your save before adding!.Copy save to possible savegames folder location.Download Savegame for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands 2017